My Mission Statement

My Mission Statement
I am following my heart to Uganda to love, accept, and cherish the children I haven’t met yet. I am laying down my own life for the people of Uganda who so easily could have been born in my place on this earth, and I in theirs. I wish to know their stories, their fears, their dreams, and their laughs. I will keep my eyes and ears open to see those in front of me, living in each moment, rather than passing them by unnoticed. I must not waste breath on how I suffer, but rather how I am being changed through my suffering, and how I affect those given to me.


About Uganda:
          *This book is a great resource as a child soldier memoir as well as some great political history background information on Uganda.

    HIV/AIDS Resources:

    (This can be how to receive more information about House of Hope)

    Child Soldiers in Africa:
    (Documentary, Music, Book, Websites, Organizations, Schools)

    The Enough Moment - Book & Movement by activist John Prendergast and Oscar-nominated actor Don Cheadle (Hotel Rwanda)